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ARTICLE: 13 Dec. 2019

    Planet Earths Dilemmas, Part IV

Where Do We Go From Here ... What Do We Do Now?

    Understand and appreciate the FACT, that the Annunaki believe in a Creator as well. Enlil was outraged that Enki would tread on the holiness of the creation of life. What does that leave us with? After this knowledge … what can we agree on? And can it unite us all in a commonality upon which we can all agree?

    Again, from my PSP book; "Note also, that even the Anunnaki believed in the ultimate Creator of All. So it seems another part of the answer is, that mankind should not be confused by multiple gods, as there is only one God - Creator of All. If mankind can unite on this point, we can not only join together for the common wealth, but protection of mankind from all would be [g]ods."

    We must all learn to accept responsibility for our own actions. It involves formally apologizing for wrongdoing and striving to make amends to our fellow man. Learning to Respect is one of mankind's most noble sentiments. Else, if we can’t respect the different ‘races’ here on Earth, how are going to look at, treat, and respect, any other type of entity we run across in the cosmos. If they land here in peace, how will we treat them? Based on their looks? If they don’t look like you would you be frightened? Would you want to kill them, simply because you don’t understand them? How would you say Hello?

    Have you even thought of these things? Have you dreamed of contact? Have you experienced travelling out of body?

    I have! And I can tell you, there is a creative force – I call it the “Source Field”, that is responsible for all life. I like to tell people; “We are not alone, We’ve never been alone, and there is life and life in abundance throughout the cosmos because that is the nature of creation. To create life and life in abundance.”

    I wrote a Special 1 page document, available for download at my website, that scientifically shows how one can be successful “Utilizing the Universal Cosmic Consciousness for True Success In Life”. This document is a compendium of life experiences and knowledge boiled down to one page (front and back) so you can fold it and take it with you. But I must caution you. DO NOT show it to anyone you believe may not be ready. The CAVEAT is – it can be used malevolently which will bring negative karma to you and may in fact cost you your life. Always use this power for good, and beneficial forces will work on your behalf, bringing you good karma. Else you invite negative forces, and bad karma.

    If everyone could agree on the FACT that there is a creative force existing throughout the cosmos responsible for all life, and that it is all knowing, outside of time and space, exists in a pure state of love and harmony – then couldn’t we all get along? Is this the only reason we can’t get along,

    What if we all took another look at ourselves … and wondered as a child. Pondered Peace! Children are not taught love. It comes naturally. They have to be taught hate. It comes naturally for a child to play with any other child, as long as that child shows respect. Here are some statements by children when asked what peace means to them.

  • Peace is when you respect other people’s bodies and be quiet so you can listen to what they say.”
  • Peace is when you say ‘You can come sit with me or you can come play with me.’”
  • Peace is when you are quiet, stop talking so you can listen, and don’t touch other people’s work.”
  • Peace means being nice, giving people flowers, hugging them, and sharing kind love.”

    Why can’t we learn from these kids. Why don’t all peoples of the world attempt to treat each other with kindness and respect. I know what your thinking…. “Other people want to kill us, so we can’t be nice to them”. But what if we did? What if we said, come sit – let us reason together.

    I was listening to an episode of Caravan to Midnight recently, and was touched by Mr. Saleem’s story. Kamal Saleem, a Former Muslim Brotherhood jihadist, was born in Lebanon to a devout Muslim family, a large Sunni Muslim family in the heart of the Middle East. His cousin is the grand imam (mufti) and Kamal was taught umma (one world under Islam), to beware of the infidels (Christians, Jews, and others that oppose Islam), and other Muslim teachings.

    From early childhood, he had a strong foundation in the Muslim faith. As early as four years old, he remembers sitting at the kitchen table while his mother taught him about the Koran and his duty to Allah and Jihad. Kamal was seven when his parents sent him to Muslim training camps to learn to use weapons and engage and kill the enemy. The boys were also taught another, more subtle form of warfare. Among other organizations, Kamal was integrated into the PLO and taught to build weapons of mass, indiscriminate destruction. By his 20s, Kamal was chosen to wage Cultural Jihad on America.

    After a severe automobile accident, Kamal was cared for by Christians. When his Muslim faith was confronted by the love of Christ, he became increasingly depressed, confused and ultimately suicidal. Instead of taking his own life, he became a Christian and over the past three decades Kamal Saleem has successfully used the training that he received as a child, training to be a human weapon of hatred unleashed into global jihad, to reach other Muslims living in spiritual captivity. See his website;

    Somehow we need to reach out to these people who are taught to hate, and to kill all who do not convert to what they believe in. That is not the way of peace. It will only bring sorrow, pain, suffering, and death. Not only to the person (a soul), but their spirit which is a far worse fate. It can lead to kill oneself for the shame and guilt they feel. Therefore, know the peace and love of God or the Universe – as it has nothing but love for you, and desires peace for all life.

    In addition, we the people of Earth need to understand that there are people on this planet responsible for most of the pain, suffering, disease, death and false teachings to lead you astray of the truth. These people need to be brought to justice for all the world to see. These are the true enemies! They worship Lucifer and are therefore Luciferians. Their murderous, blood thirsty cult must be stopped for the good of mankind. Their desire is to kill you. They wish to rid planet Earth of least 6.5 Billion people, and that includes YOU!

    I outline in my book, WORLD PROBLEMS, SOLUTIONS and a PLAN (PSP), just who these people are, and the underlying groups they control. Under them we have the Committee of 100, then the Committee of 300. These are people in your governments taking charge, violating your rights, subjugating you and killing your spirit, simply to put corporate bribes in their pocket.

    I outline the major world conspiracies plotting against all mankind, but more importantly, a plan to implement to take back control, bring forth Full Disclosure, so we can at last move forward. As I wrote in my PSP book ….

    If the U.S. Government is not changed and Law / Justice reigns; if the International Luciferian Bankster Cabal is not kicked out and a new currency takes hold; America will be left as spoils of war. Make no mistake, the U.S. fiat currency will crash. As it stands today, China is being given large chunks of Gold and Real Estate by the U.S. for the fictitious and fiat U.S. debt they hold. Could it be, the globalist Cabal is simply moving its home-base from the U.S. now to the Great Land of China? Could communist China currency be the new Reserve Currency? God forbid we all go under the Red Communist Flag! Note: I have already seen it flying in the US of A under Clinton.

    Haven’t the people of the world had enough of the murdering warpath of the insatiable death cult? Isn’t it time we put an end to the warmongering, psychopathic, megalomaniacal, Luciferian cabal? Shouldn’t we the people, at the very least, bring these insane criminals to justice for their high crimes against mankind? Shouldn’t we stop sending our children to fight these no-win wars for the Illuminati death cult?

    Are there not enough people around the world today screaming blood curdling yells;


Why can’t we just end war?
Perhaps we can, if we the people of Earth take care of business as mentioned herein.

Why can’t we just get along?
Perhaps we can, if we the people of Earth take care of business as mentioned herein.

Why can’t there be only Love and Peace?
Perhaps there can be, if we the people of Earth take care of business as mentioned herein.

    I also wrote in my PSP book, under Love, Peace & Prosperity:

    If brainwashing is so easily accomplished through education and television, why don’t we mandate and use truth as a higher ideal. Therefore it seems, the number One Rule to instill in everyone’s mindset should be; Everything we do, in all our endeavors, should be based on sustainability that causes no harm to mankind, or our environment.

    In finding another piece of the puzzle to true peace, I believe you will learn a lot by watching the film “ I AM” [on Amazon Prime], by Tom Shadyac. Stated therein was that Cannibalism is – “sucking the life out of others for you own benefit”. Greed is not good. Greed in fact is a mental illness and is not sustainable. The film also mentions a big lie that – “we are separate and individual”. That we must engage in competition in order to survive.

    Some say that Darwinian theory brought this upon us. But Charles Darwin actually talked about affiliation, cooperation, and the golden rule in the animal kingdom. Empathy is the strongest tie that binds humanity. We are dependent on others our whole life. It’s the way we are wired! In fact, competition is the lowest value. Cooperation is the highest value. Let that sink in a moment. Imagine the life of native Americans versus democratic society.

    Perhaps, the one true path to peace and prosperity is, if everyone adopted and lived by the Golden Rule – “Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you”. Could we all get along? Is this just a Utopian Dream? Couldn’t we just try to live by thinking and feeling from the heart, instead of our brain? For if you try to kill me, I will try to kill you! It is just self-defense. What have I done to you that causes you to want to kill me? But if you invite me to dinner – I will bring a dish. Fair enough my brother?

    Einstein once said, the source field is the only reality. We are all in, and part of, the source field. I recommend the book “SOURCE FIELD INVESTIGATIONS” by David Wilcock for further study and proof thereof. Watch his video, by that name, on YouTube. Also, you must see the great film – “ SPIRIT SCIENCE”, which was made in such a way, anyone can understand it – even a child. You can also watch it on YouTube or visit As a practical metaphor and understanding – imagine that what was told to the flower to make it open is also beamed to each of us and picked up by our DNA and Heart Zone!

    Quantum Entanglement, from the Einstein – Rosen experiment, proves that we are all connected. In fact our thoughts and emotions affect living systems (i.e. our environment). Therefore, we are experiencing natural disasters at an unprecedented level because consciousness is connected to the quantum world. In other words, we are asking for it – actually bringing it upon ourselves. Can you believe that? As a mass of humanity, the majority of us must change our intention and concepts of who we are and why we are here. When I first met my wife and asked her – “Why do you think we are here?”. She said, “To Love One Another!” Her answer rang with a truth and such clarity; I fell hopelessly in love with her right then and there. I thought, this person is who I wish to spend the rest of my life with.

    There is a fundamental law that - nothing in nature takes more than it needs. If it does, it dies off. Man breaks this rule everyday. In fact we have a name for this, called CANCER. Remember the Power of One! Make a change. Be the change you want to see. Make it happen ... Now before it’s too late!

    If Love is real, and it is in our DNA ... Why so much racism ... my brother? Where is the love? The compassion? The empathy toward your fellow man? Understand who the real perpetrators are. Their negative agenda will ultimately fail. Find the evil ones, arrest them, put them on trial, put them out of their misery – and ours, and send them to God for judgment. Perhaps only then, can the rest of us, as well as our children, begin a new journey to freedom, liberty and justice for all.

    The Illuminati / Globalist / Luciferian Cabal / NWO agenda is only able to gain ground and power as long as humans behave in unnatural ways, violating the laws of God Almighty. Doing what is wrong which essentially is violating the Golden Rule, harming others, oneself or one’s family or nation is what gives the Third Force a means to invade. If individuals truly follow the “Golden Rule” of “treating others as you would like them to treat you”, refuse to be mind controlled by the controlled mainstream media, television, video games, maintain their personal character, commit to truth and honesty, and maintain their basic human right to self-defense and the defense of their family from any enemy within, then perhaps the onslaught of this evil force can be stopped.

    The United States of America was not founded on geography, race, culture or religion. It was founded on principle – the principle of liberty which embodies freedom. The right to the fruits of your own labor, the right to travel anywhere to do so. Liberty was the battle cry during the American Revolution. Patrick Henry’s ringing proclamation – “Give me liberty or give me death” – was one of the most celebrated quotes in American history. The Statue of Liberty is the symbol of the nation. The Liberty Bell sounded the nation’s birth. Liberty is embossed on every coin.

    Clearly, “LIBERTY” is the defining attribute of the United States of America.

    It should also be the defining attribute of everyone on this planet.


If you missed the first part of this series, Click Here


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Stephen R. Renfrow©
Sui Juris, JD, SPC a State National of a once great republic, these united States of America, a free sovereign Citizen documented via UCC-1 filed as public record in State and national archives.

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