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Are Global Takeover Conspiracies Real?
What Do They Mean for You?
Can We Agree On The Problems?
Can We Agree On The Solutions?
Is There Anything We Can Do?
What If There Was A PLAN? And You did Nothing!
Hello, and Thanks for dropping by. Its been awhile since I had my old domain, THE HOME BIZ NETWORK
up on the Net, from 1994 to 2006, and too much has transpired for me to sit by and post nothing.
Actually I've been quite busy. This site went live May 2014, and once again, I've posted NMT.
You will find here two books I've written. They are abreviated NMT for NO MORE TAXES ©1988,
and PSP for World Problems, Solutions and a Plan ©2014. I also trade commodities on the
futures market, and am considering posting weekly updates regarding my Weekly Commodity Market Analysis - by subscription only.
You can see a preview on the Mrkt Analysis page, and my lastest Article, under State of Economy. My previous research since the
1970's, into, and actually working inside the Federal Reserve Banking system gives me a unique insight into "Central Banking",
as well as performing my analysis on markets such as precious metals, grains, meats, energy and indices.
I was also interviewed by John B. Wells on his show - Caravan to Midnight. You can hear the interview on
the Archives Page.
We the people in the USA have been caught up in the Mortgage Meltdown, and I have taken up the cause to help people in that
regard. If you've never heard of a COTA, it is past time for you to know what a Chain of Title
Assessment is and what it can do for you. My experience in the field of Real Estate, Banking, and the Judicial
System gives me a unique insight into this area as well, especially after suing a Mortgage Broker, WaMu,
JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Chase Home Finance, LLC, Freddie Mac and winning 4 court cases ...
3 in Florida State, and 1 in U.S. District Court.
Despite all the bad news lately, and you don't know the half of it, I believe in Mankind. But we all must
believe in each other, come together on a consensus of the problems and solutions, if we are going to make a
real and lasting change. We must start working together - ASAP! In order to alter our course from tyranny to liberty,
you must understand who and what we're up against, see past the globalist controlled puppets, and confront
the real power structure of the planet. Join the force, helping to cast the light upon those
operating in the shadows. Knowledge is Power!
There is a growing consensus, that my PSP book addresses, that the U.S. Government is out of control,
committing sedition, murder, treasonous acts and violating the Rights of “We the People”. Do you feel there is
nothing you can do? What if there are solutions to the most perplexing problems in the world today?
And just what are those problems that the mainstream media refuse to talk about or even acknowledge?
And why?
Are you aware that a Movement is already happening? A movement so powerful, it will effect your life,
our economy, even our political landscape. Some say – “Man, you sure are sticking your neck out!”
I say, someone has to say it. I've been saying it, and living it, my whole life. If not now, when?
If not me who? I live the life of a sovereign Citizen, even if the State does not want to recognize it,
and therefore am proof it can be done.
A vehement new movement with the power to turn the darlings of the Dow into dogs … break up monopolies …
and slice states, stock markets and even households down the middle is quickly developing. Some people are
waking up to the possibility that this coming crisis will be bigger than The Great Depression and 9/11
combined. A video was posted with a former Wall Street Journal investigative reporter from Louisiana
who warns that this new movement will ignite the greatest social crisis the world has ever seen.
He interviewed Jeff Opdyke, of Sovereign Society, who states;
“[There] will be a dramatic moment that will change everything you believe to be true and normal —
and it will do so almost overnight. This event won’t cost American lives — though it could — but it
will trigger a virtually unstoppable chain reaction that will alter the way of life for millions of
unprepared Americans.”
Jeff Opdyke and his team, which includes a former U.S. Congressman, have been tracking a seemingly
unrelated series of grassroots movements gaining momentum across America. And they fear these
movements have the potential to ignite the greatest financial, geopolitical and social crisis the
world has ever known. If he’s right, this quickly-developing crisis will wipe you out if you don’t
start to prepare now. Are you ready? Can you take advantage of this great opportunity?
"War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable,
surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which
the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives."
Smedley D. Butler
United States Marine Corps Major General
Two Time Medal of Honor Recipient
"Only through education of what is wrong, can we fix it.
Only then can we begin on the road to true peace.
End the war on us - end tyranny!" - S.R. Renfrow
What if there was a Plan, and YOU did nothing? Get my PSP book - “World Problems, Solutions and a Plan”
today to understand not only the true forces acting upon us, who are operating in the shadows, but what
the people of world can do about it, and how we can change life on planet Earth to be fruitful, peaceful,
and sustainable with existing technologies that have been purposefully and fraudulently hidden.
Stephen R. Renfrow © JD, SPC
All Rights Reserved